Pope to families of newly baptized: it is the greatest gift

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Pope to families of newly baptized: it is the greatest giftPope Francis baptises 21 babies in the Sistine Chapel on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Michelangelo’s frescoed ceilings and walls became the backdrop for the Baptism of 21 children in the Sistine Chapel as Pope Francis celebrated Mass on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

The children are in charge today

At the beginning of the Mass, the Pope greeted the families and encouraged them to let the children cry, make noise, and be fed. “It is important that the children feel comfortable,” he said.

Edoardo, Mia Maria, Silvia, Lorenzo, and 17 other children “are in charge,” Pope Francis explained, "and we must serve them, with the Sacrament, with prayers."

He reminded the parents, godparents, and all family members present that today is a special day, not only for the children but for them as well. “Each of you, parents, and the Church itself are giving the greatest gift, the greatest gift: the gift of faith to the children,” the Pope said.

Light the candle when there’s difficulty

In his brief homily, Pope Francis asked the Lord to help these children “grow in faith, true humanity, and in the joy of family.”

During the Mass, the Pope reflected on one of five main symbols of Baptism: the Paschal candle. He encouraged the parents and godparents to carry the light of the candle with them throughout their lives.

More than a reminder of the baptismal day, Pope Francis challenged the parents and godparents to use candles in their everyday lives. “When there is a problem or difficulty, light the candle to ask the Lord for grace for your family,” the Pope encouraged them.

A special tradition

The tradition of a pontiff baptizing children dates back to 1981. Then, Pope St. John Paul II began by baptizing children in the Pauline Chapel in the Apostolic Palace, a ceremony that was reserved only for the children of Swiss Guards.

Two years later, in 1983, the Mass was moved to the Sistine Chapel and eventually extended to children of all Vatican employees.

Kielce Gussie
Source: vaticannews.va/en

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