Prayer for the Beatification of Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
Prayer O mighty and eternal God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I offer thanks for giving to the Church
the heroic testimony of Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyên Van Thuân.
The suffering he experienced in prison,
which he united with the crucified Christ
and commended to the maternal protection of Mary,
is for the Church and the world a shining witness of unity and forgiveness,
and of justice and peace.
His loving person and his Episcopal ministry radiate the light of faith,
the enthusiasm of hope and the warmth of love.
Now, my Lord, through his intercession and according to your will,
grant me the grace I am imploring in the hope that
he will soon be elevated to the honour of sainthood.
Roma 16.9.2007
+ Giampaolo Crepaldi
Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace