Prayers to Saint Anthony: Help me to find

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These prayers are an aid which tradition has handed down to us to assist us in our prayers to Saint Anthony and to ask for his help above all in finding our relationship with God.

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Saint Anthony is famous throughout the world as the saint who finds lost objects, from everyday items to important documents, to faith itself. The prayer that follows invokes Saint Anthony's aid in the search for what has been lost.

Glorious Saint Anthony, for centuries you have exercised the God-given power to find what was lost. Help me to recover God's grace and make me zealous in the service of God and in the practice of virtue. Let me find whatever I have lost, thus showing me the presence of your goodness.

(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be)

Let us pray

Saint Anthony, glorious servant of God, famous for your merits and powerful miracles, help us to find what was lost, give us help during moments of trial and enlighten our minds in the search for God's will. Help us to find once again the life of grace, which our sin destroyed, and lead us to the glory promised to us by our Saviour. We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.


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