Visit of Anglican Ordinands

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Visit of Anglican OrdinandsOn 12 October, three Church of England ordinands currently studying in Rome visited the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and met with the Reverend Anthony Currer, the outgoing official responsible for relations with the Anglican Communion. James Bartle (Diocese of Newcastle), Daniel Tsoi (Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham) and John Wilson (Diocese in Europe) are currently participating in an International Ecumenical Placement at the Pontifical Beda College in Rome, living and studying alongside the seminarians there.

Father Currer gave a brief outline of the work of the Dicastery, followed by a presentation on the history of the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. The ordinands and Father Currer were joined by Reverend Father Martin Browne, OSB, incoming official for relations with the Anglican Communion, for a discussion on ecumenical principles and the ongoing dialogue between the two communions. Earlier in the week, the ordinands were among the ecumenical guests at the Mass presided by the Holy Father on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council.