Ecumenical Movement
Anglicans and Catholics conclude groundbreaking meeting in Hong Kong
The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, or ARCIC 3, has concluded a week long meeting hosted by the Anglican mission to seafarers in Hong Kong. -
Dialogue doesn't distance us from truth but leads us to whole truth
“The search for unity among Christians is an urgent task—you have said that 'it is not a luxury, but an imperative'—from which, today more than ever, we cannot prescind. In our world that hungers and thirsts for truth, love, hope, peace, and unity, our witness demands -
Pope: Catholics and Orthodox, witnesses of the Gospel to the world that has lost faith in God
In the message for the feast of St. Andrew (30 Nov. 2012) sent to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, Benedict XVI emphasizes the common task to which the two Churches are called. Communion, though imperfect and the victim of divisions, is the fruit of a common faith. Continue on the path of unity, comforted by the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ to the Father, 'that they may be one in us: that the world may believe'". -
Divisions within Christianity
There is little doubt that in apostolic times the word “Church” had a twofold sense, as it referred both to the local and to the universal Christian community, so that the unity of the Church existed within the pluriformity of local Churches. There was an awareness among Christians that they participated in a shared memory of Jesus and a common confession of faith... -
A Prayer from a Christian Representative on the Inter-Religious Gathering (27 Oct. 2012)
On the Inter-Religious Gathering on 27 October 2012 in Patoral Center of Saigon, Pastor Phạm Đình Nhẫn, a Christian Representative prayed by this words: -
Catholic Bishop in Egypt notes hopes for strengthened ties with Copts
A Coptic Catholic bishop has expressed hopes that the historic meeting May 10 between Pope Francis and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II will lead to the Coptic Orthodox Church recognizing Catholic baptism. “I think that this really is a watershed. Tawadros is quite different ... -
Members of Roman Catholic Church lead prayers
A delegation from the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU) of the Roman Catholic Church led prayers at the chapel of the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday, 18 February. -
Pope Francis meets with Taizé Prior
According to the community’s press release, Pope Francis said he had deep respect for Frère Roger, founder of the Taizé community, and encouraged the community to continue its work. -
WCC and the ecumenical movement in the 21st century
The visible unity of the church is the central goal of the ecumenical movement. And while "visible unity" can be understood in various ways, it necessarily involves relationships between churches. -
WCC and Global Christian Forum seek Christian unity together
A World Council of Churches (WCC) seminar has marked the strengthening of relationships between the WCC and the Global Christian Forum (GCF), affirming their distinctive and complementary roles in the quest for Christian unity. -
Communiqué from the SSPX’s General House on the occasion of the election of Pope Francis
With the news of the election of Pope Francis, the Society of St. Pius X prays to Almighty God that He abundantly bestow on the new Sovereign Pontiff the graces necessary for the exercise of this heavy charge. Strengthened by Divine Providence, may the new pope ... -
Ecumenism is of 'primary importance' to pope
Pope Benedict XVI's decision to meet with his former students for a discussion about ecumenical relations, especially Catholic relations with Anglicans and Lutherans, demonstrates the importance he gives the search for Christian unity, said Cardinal Christoph Schonborn of Vienna. -
Prayer cycle (13 -19 January 2013): Cyprus, Greece, Turkey
Pray for: Peace and the healing of entrenched hatred between Greeks and Turks; Comfort for those who grieve and strength for those who work for justice; Survivors of earthquakes and those who assist in bringing long-term relief. -
WCC calls for world without nuclear weapons
The World Council of Churches has issued a statement calling for an end to nuclear aggression as the world marks this week’s anniversary of the destruction of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The message, signed by WCC ... -
Solidarity visit to Bangladesh amidst growing religious intolerance
In a recent solidarity visit to Bangladesh, an ecumenical delegation was updated about the on-going persecution and attacks against religious minorities occurring in the country since early March of this year. -
“I give you my peace which the world cannot give….”!
On October 4, 2013, the Catholic Church commemorates the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Imbued with the Spirit of peace, the Archdiocese of Saigon through the initiative of the Commission of Interfaith Dialogue holds an Ecumenical prayer encounter in the Archdiocesan Pastoral Centre at 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. -
Indian Ecumenical Christian Delegation visits Israel to Promote Pilgrimage
The Israel Ministry of Tourism recently invited an ecumenical delegation of Indian church leaders to celebrate Lent in Israel. The delegation was headed by Mumbai Archbishop Cardinal Oswald Gracias. The objective of the visit was to foster good relations between India's Christian community and the State of Israel and to promote tourism between the two countries. -
Conference of European Churches adopts new constitution
Following the conclusion of a meeting in Budapest this month, the Conference of European Churches (CEC) has begun operating under a new Constitution that includes moving its original offices from Geneva to Brussels to improve ties with the European Union... -
Secretary of World Council of Churches Sends Christmas Message
The text opened with two Biblical citations, the first from the Prophet Isaiah: "a bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice", and the second from the Gospel of St. John... -
Egypt: Solidarity in action among Churches
Ecumenical meeting of Bishop-Friends of the Focolare in Cairo (3-8 September 2012). Cordial friendships with Coptic Orthodox Christians. -
Martin Luther (1483-1546): L'initiateur de la Réforme
Le 31 octobre 1517, un moine affiche sur la porte de l'église de Wittenberg (Saxe) 95 thèses où il dénonce les scandales de l'Église de son temps. Sans s'en douter, Martin Luther jette ainsi les bases d'une nouvelle confession chrétienne, le protestantisme. -
New director of Rome's Anglican Centre
The new director of Rome’s Anglican Centre, former Archbishop of New Zealand David Moxon will be officially welcomed to his new post on Thursday at an ecumenical prayer service in Rome’s Oratory of St Francis Xavier, run by the Caravita international Catholic community. -
Seven Weeks for Water 2013
For 2013, we have come out with a selection of seven of these reflections that will give you a taste of the regional, confessional and gender diversity of our contributors, and complemented them with new ideas for study, reflection and action... -
Pope's message to Ecumenical Patriarch
Pope Franics has sent a Message to the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His Holiness, Bartholomew I, to mark the feast of the Patron of the Church at Constantinople, St. Andrew the Apostle. Common concern for the plight of Christians in many parts of the world, and especially in ... -
A New Ecumenical Vision for the New Millennium
This discussion guide has been prepared for the workshops of the Seventh Plenary Assembly of the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences, convening January 3-12, 2000, at "BAAN PHU WAAN," the pastoral formation center of the Archdiocese of Bangkok, Samphran, Thailand. The theme of the Plenary is: "A Renewed Church in Asia: A Mission of Love and Service." -
Without unity there is no future
Without unity there is no future for Christians in the Middle East. These are the words that H. B. Louis Raphael I Sako, Patriarch of Babylon for Chaldeans, wrote in a letter he addressed to H.B. Mar Dinkha IV, Patriarch of the Assyrian Church of the East... -
Pope Francis to Rabbi of Rome:“I hope to contribute to the progress of relations between Jews and Catholics...”
The Holy Father has sent a message to Dr. Riccardo Di Segni, the Chief Rabbi of Rome, the oldest Jewish community of the diaspora. “On this day of my election as Bishop of Rome and Pastor of the Universal Church,” reads the text, “I send you my -
Christ’s disciples must give an authentic witness of their unity
Yesterday evening (16 Sept 2012) the Holy Father met with Orthodox Patriarchs, representatives of Protestant communities and Catholic Patriarchs of Lebanon. The encounter took place at the Syrian Catholic Patriarchate in Charfet, Beirut, famous for its library which contains more than 3,000 manuscripts in Syriac and Arabic. -
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: Themes 1968-2000
In 1968, official joint preparation of the materials began by the WCC Faith and Order Commission and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity -
LWF General Secretary Junge Lauds Joint Witness of Canada’s Lutherans and Anglicans
The Lutheran World Federation has lauded the full communion of Canada’s Lutheran and Anglican churches, marked in an unprecedented Joint Assembly highlighting the connection between Christian unity and service.
What Adventists Believe
As a Christian church, Seventh-day Adventists are a faith community rooted in the beliefs described by the Holy Scriptures. Adventists describe these beliefs in the following ways:... -
US pastors use karaoke to bring Asian Americans to church
Singing is the most successful part of our short conversation. Ho’s English is limited; my Mandarin is nonexistent. We stumble through a few more questions before he politely refers me to Daniel Shiao, the senior pastor of... -
Sharing common questions and differences
The second in a series of LWF hermeneutics consultations is underway 21-27 March 2013 in Eisenach, Germany. Participant Rev. Dr Robin Steinke talks about the challenges and opportunities of biblical interpretation in the Lutheran communion today. -
Baptist delegate to Synod on common concern for Scripture and mission
A moment of deep discernment for the Church. That was how Fr Federico Lombardi, head of the Holy See press office, described the atmosphere during the Synod of Bishops on the Family which ended here in the Vatican on Sunday. Noting how the two week... -
Assisi event calls for peace as a human right
Among religious leaders on the stage with Pope Benedict XVI at the World Day of Peace in Assisi last week was Stan Noffsinger, general secretary of the Church of the Brethren. The main message of the Oct. 27 event was that peace is a human right, Noffsinger said in an interview on his return from Italy. -
Brethren in Christ Church
The Brethren in Christ Church began sometime between 1775 and 1788, and the place of origin was near the present town of Marietta in Lancaster County,Early members of the BIC Church Pennsylvania. For the most part, our founding mothers and fathers had an Anabaptistbackground and... -
The Ninety-Five Theses written by Martin Luther (1517)
Out of love for the truth and from desire to elucidate it, the Reverend Father Martin Luther, Master of Arts and Sacred Theology, and ordinary lecturer therein at Wittenberg, intends to defend the following statements and to dispute on them in that place. Therefore he asks that those who cannot be present and dispute with him orally shall do so in their absence by letter. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen. -
Seventh-day Adventist: Our Name and Mission
'Adventist' reflects our passionate conviction in the nearness of the soon return ('advent') of Jesus. 'Seventh-day' refers to the Biblical Sabbath which from... -
LWF President Reflects on Pope Francis’ visit to the Middle East
In his speech to Peres and the Israeli government, the pope also stated: “building peace is difficult, but living without peace is a constant torment.” Following the visit, Younan, who is Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the... -
2014 LWF Council Meeting in Indonesia to Decide 2017 Assembly Theme
The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will hold its annual meeting from 12-17 June at the Tiara Conference Center in Medan, Indonesia, focusing on several agenda items including the theme of the 2017 Assembly and the self-understanding of the communion. -
Lutheran Church in Sierra Leone Helps to Contain Ebola
The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa began in Guinea in March, 2014, and quickly spread across the border into Sierra Leone and Liberia. Eastern Sierra Leone has been seriously hit by the epidemic. (Ebola has infected almost 2,000 people in... -
Malaysia: A 'Widening in the Understanding of Gender Roles'
Participants from 12 Asian countries attended the Lutheran World Federation Women in Church and Society Asia network meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 8-13 August. The aim of the gathering was to highlight the contributions ... -
NEPAL: 300 new Pastors preparing for ordination
300 new Pastors will be ordained in Nepal next July - all Nepalese – who will be leaders in the local communities, called to evangelize, especially in small villages situated in remote areas of the country. The 300 new Pastors are ready to begin their ministry having concluded six years of preparation which included liturgical and pastoral formation and service of the poor: Many of them have done biblical studies abroad. -
Saving the planet in faith and practice
The Korean (Protestant) Christian Environmental Movement Solidarity started Green Church 21, a small grassroots program, in 1998, adding solar cells to the roofs of churches, cultivating more green space around buildings and planting vegetable gardens. -
Pope of the Evangelicals
In a post-secular world, and a post-Christian America, it seemed we might be past the time of towering faith figures and transnational, transcendent religious leaders. Enter Pope Francis-the pontiff formerly known as Archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio - who is a... -
Master's Theological Institute - MTI Vietnam
MTI Theological Institute has been opened in 2007 to now at 2 centers: Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, is an official member of Asia Pacific Theological Association. MTI is the first and only Institute of Theology in Vietnam that... -
Fast for the Climate
The Lutheran World Federation is calling for a fast on the first day each month until December 2014, when the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 20) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Lima, Peru. -
Churches from Lutheran and Reformed traditions unite
Two member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) from Reformed and Lutheran traditions have united to become the United Protestant Church of France. -
"Pas de différence de doctrine" entre luthériens et réformés
La création de l'Église protestante unie de France est fondée sur l’idée que les différences entre les deux familles (luthérienne et réformée) sont superficielles. -
Pope urges Lutherans and Catholics to take further steps towards unity
Pope Francis met on Thursday with a delegation of German Lutheran and Catholic leaders, urging them to continue working towards the goal of unity among all Christians. The delegation was headed by the presiding bishop of the United Evangelical Lutheran... -
From LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan
In his Christmas greeting, LWF President Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan reassures the Lutheran communion of God’s presence in a world with increasing violence and violation of human rights. He prays for strength and encouragement to serve the neighbor. -
Black missionary: Changing view of Christianity
Bates says when people in Central Asia ask about his religion, they expect him to profess Islam because he is black. “I seem different,” Bates says. “They say if you have darker skin, you’re probably a Muslim. If you have lighter skin ... -
Chuck Smith - The Evangelical pastor dies after cancer battle
Chuck Smith, the evangelical pastor whose outreach to hippies in the 1960s helped transform worship styles in American Christianity and fueled the rise of the Calvary Chapel movement, died Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013, after a battle with lung cancer. He was 86. -
Seeking church unity for the sake of the world
Churches must use their global voices and moral authority to challenge systems perpetuating inequality, Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) said in South Korea. -
LWF General Secretary keynote presentation on global perspectives on the Reformation
He underlined that freedom in the theological tradition of Lutheran Reformation is never autistic or autonomous, but accountable and responsible. “Freedom, as given by God, finds its full expression in entering into – and protecting – relationships.” -
Bishop Erniša Awarded State Medal of Merit for Advocating Tolerance
Bishop Geza Erniša of the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovenia has said that being awarded Slovenia’s highest state award is a reflection of both his efforts and the church’s work for understanding in the nation. -
Guess who’s coming to dinner!
What an honor! Think of it! I clambered down the tree, rushed home and alerted the family. We hurriedly cleaned up the house, took out the best dishes and cutlery, picked up a bottle of wine and went to work cooking our favorite dinner. -
Singaporean helps north-east students to sing for harmony
The combined choir for “Proclaiming Christ in Advent,” has its origin in the efforts of Mrs Simon Chan, an international soloist and preacher from Singapore, 22 years ago. -
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and throughout the year 2018 (1)
Churches and Christian communities may also incorporate material from the week of prayer into their own services. Prayers from the ecumenical worship service, the “eight days”, and the selection of additional prayers can be used as appropriate in their own setting.
la Semaine de prière pour l’unité des chrétiens et pour toute l’année 2018 (1)
En gardant cette flexibilité à l’esprit, nous vous encourageons à considérer ces textes comme une invitation à trouver d'autres occasions, au cours de l'année, pour exprimer le degré de communion que les Églises ont déjà atteint et pour prier ensemble en vue de parvenir à la pleine unité voulue par le Christ.
About Anglican Church
There are many churches around the world that have the word Anglican in their name, and virtually all of them are indeed Christian churches in the Anglican tradition. In some sense these are all Anglican churches, and most of them are part of the Anglican Church. -
Pope Francis and Archbishop Welby discuss ways of working for unity
Pope Francis met on Monday with the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, saying he hoped their meeting would serve to “strengthen further our bonds of friendship and our commitment to the great cause of reconciliation... -
Anglican leader hits out at Christmas consumerism
The “absurd and ridiculous” pressure to have a perfect Christmas puts relationships under strain and “spoils life”, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned. The Most Rev Justin Welby said consumerism over the festive period is now so “over the top” that couples are left arguing over money ... -
New Archbishop Installed for Anglican Communion
A couple days after the Roman Catholic Church installed its 266th pope, the Anglican Communion – a global Protestant Christian body based in the United Kingdom – now has a newly inaugurated spiritual head. -
An Anglican 'outsider' shares insights at the Synod on the Family
Among the 253 participants in the Synod on the Family which will conclude here in the Vatican on Sunday are eight delegates from different Christian Churches who are sharing insights from their own communities and traditions. Among them is... -
Vatican welcomes naming of new Archbishop of Canterbury
The Vatican has welcomed the nomination of Anglican Bishop Justin Welby of Durham as the next Archbishop of Canterbury. -
Les anglicans d’Afrique regrettent l’admission d’évêques homosexuels par l’Église d’Angleterre
Plusieurs hauts responsables anglicans africains ont dénoncé la décision de l’Église d’Angleterre d’admettre à l’épiscopat des homosexuels ayant souscrit un partenariat civil, soulignant que cela allait accroître des divisions au sein de la Communion anglicane. -
Church of England votes in favour of ordaining women bishops
The Church of England has voted in favor of the ordination of women bishops, at its General Synod on July 14, after two decades of heated debate and discussion that has provoked serious divisions within its membership. "Today is the completion of... -
Anglicans drop their opposition to gay marriage
Bishops in the Church of England, who had strenuously opposed a bid to allow same-sex marriage, signaled that they won’t try to derail the bill after an overwhelming vote of support in the House of Lords. Church of England spokesman Steve Jenkins said that... -
Pope Francis receives Archbishop of Canterbury
The history of relations between the Church of England and the Catholic Church is long and complex, and not without pain. Recent decades, however, have been marked by a journey of rapprochement and fraternity, and for this we give heartfelt thanks to God. This journey ... -
Anglican bishops to be quizzed on their sex lives
Every Church of England cleric who could be promoted to become a bishop is to be asked to provide details of their sex life to the Archbishop of Canterbury or York, it has emerged. In an effort to avoid “the appearance of discrimination” ... -
English Bishops call global community to see Christian targeting in Egypt
The general secretary of the episcopal conference of England and Wales released a statement calling the international community to recognize the violence specifically aimed at Christians in Egypt... -
Archbishop Rowan Williams to speak at Ecumenical Centre, Geneva
Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, will be delivering a lecture on “Faith, human rights and human dignity” on Tuesday, 28 February from 18.30-20.00 in the Visser't Hooft Plenary Hall of the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva at the invitation of the World Council of Churches (WCC). -
Church of England removes devil from christening service
The Church of England is accused of "dumbing down" the christening service as it introduces a new wording so parents and godparents no longer have to "repent sins" and "reject the devil" -
Poland’s bishops call for dialogue with protesters
Ruling of Constitutional Court sparks largest protests since 1980s
Academic event for 25th anniversary of “Ut unum sint” and 60th anniversary of PCPCU
To mark the 25th anniversary of the encyclical “Ut unum sint” and 60th anniversary of the foundation of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, a lecture was held by Cardinal Kurt Koch and Professor Philippe Chenaux on 4 December 2020 live from the “Tillard Chair” of the Angelicum Institute of Ecumenical Studies.
Agreement of ecumenical collaboration between the Angelicum and the International Hellenic University
On the eve of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Very Reverend Father, signed a protocol of collaboration between the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Angelicum and the Master in Orthodox Ecumenical Theology Programme of the IHU.
Anglican‒Roman Catholic International Commission plenary meeting in Rome
The members of the Anglican‒Roman Catholic International Commission held a plenary meeting of the third phase of their dialogue from 7‒14 May 2022 in Rome to continue working on the second part of its mandate to examine how the Church local, regional and universal discerns right ethical teaching.
Cardinal Tagle at Lambeth Conference: 'Let us dream together'
Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle speaks at the Lambeth Conference taking place at the University of Kent from 26 July to 8 August and offers his contribution to the theme with a talk on 'The Church of 1 Peter for the Coming Decade.'
Church of England pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth's witness and legacy of faith
Anglican Chaplain and Area Dean of Italy, Reverend Jules Cave Bergquist, reflects on Queen Elizabeth’s testimony of Christian faith and on how she embraced her role as Supreme Governor of the Church of England and Defender of the Faith as a deeply felt mission.
Kazakhstan: Anglican Bishop urges joint responsibility for peacebuilding
Bishop Jo Bailey Wells of the Anglican diocese of Dorking invites the interfaith leaders at the 7th Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions to a shared responsibility of working together towards promoting peace in the world following the adoption of a declaration at the end of the event.
Visit of Anglican Ordinands
On 12 October, three Church of England ordinands currently studying in Rome visited the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity.
Pope from Juba: Christians be salt and light to bring peace
The promise to continue to accompany the peace process in South Sudan together with Anglican Primate Welby and Church of Scotland Moderator Greenshields.
Informal Talks with the Anglican Communion
The committees of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and the International Anglican-Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM).
"Growing Together" ecumenical events open with Anglican and Catholic Bishops
Catholic and Anglican Bishops are undertaking a week of dialogue, prayer, and pilgrimages to Rome and Canterbury, involving 50 bishops from 27 countries to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.
Anglican priest highlights ecumenism in response to violence in Nigeria
Reverend Doctor Anthony Ishaya, a Nigerian-born Anglican priest taking part in the WCC’s ecumenical program with the Bose Community, speaks with Vatican News about the role of ecumenism in response to violence in his home country.
Anglican Archbishop Ernest: Christians moving toward greater communion
On the last day of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Archbishop Ian Ernest, the Anglican representative to the Holy See, speaks about the fraternal bond of friendship shared by Catholics and Anglicans.
Anglican and Catholic Bishops unite in call for unity and mission
Anglican and Catholic Bishops emphasize the fruitful ecumenical journey towards reconciliation at the conclusion of the IARCCUM summit, expressing their desire to work toward Christian unity while addressing global challenges.
ARCIC Drafting Meeting in London
On 7 and 8 March 2024, the drafting group of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) met in London, UK.
Number of Orthodox Christians worldwide
The most common estimates of the number of Orthodox Christians worldwide is approximately 225-300 million individuals. Other estimates such as in The Encyclopedia of the Developing World[2] places the number of overall Orthodox worshippers in 1996 at 182 million individuals, including the following breakdown:... -
Eastern Orthodox Church
The Orthodox Church is one of the three main Christian groups (the others being Roman Catholic and Protestant). Around 200 million people follow the Orthodox tradition. -
Orthodox Primates Stress Need for Peace and Stability in Middle East
A Synaxis of the Primates of Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Middle East met in Cyprus on 27 March to discuss the situation of Christians in the region and to agree on common approaches to solidarity, strengthening and support of Christian communities struggling to maintain their presence in their historic homes. -
New Year's message of His Holiness Karekin II
On this festive day of New Year we extend Our Pontifical love and blessings to you, dear faithful people of Armenia and the Diaspora. We are welcoming the redemptive year of 2014. With the sacrament of Our Lord’s Holy Nativity we enter ... -
Noël orthodoxe
Une question de calendrier expliquée par frère Hyacinthe Destivelle,o.p., responsable du centre de recherches Istina. Il explique également la liturgie et les traditions populaires de ce temps festif. -
Bartholomew convokes the Primates of the Orthodox Churches
Meeting to set guidelines and timeframe for Preparatory Commission of the Pan-Orthodox Synod . But also to highlight the need to go beyond "localisms" and undertake joint initiatives . Zizioulas: self-marginalization the greatest danger of the Christian world today . -
Orthodox Easter
Orthodox Easter or Orthodox Pascha is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus by Orthodox Christians in some countries around the world. It is celebrated on the Third Sunday in the paschal month in lunar calendar which is calendar based on Julian calendar by the Orthodox Christian. In... -
The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt
The modern use of the term "Coptic" describes Egyptian Christians, as well as the last stage of the ancient Egyptian language script. -
Peace in the Holy Land: Patriarch Bartholomew in Rome
Andrew and Peter Will Also Pray Together for Peace This Sunday -
Pope Francis meets Delegation of Ecumenical Patriarchate
Pope Francis addressed the Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate at the Vatican on Saturday to mark the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, celebrated on 29 June. In his message, the Pope recalled the pilgrimage he shared... -
Coptic Orthodox Church set to elect new head
On Sunday the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria will choose a new Bishop of Alexandria – who holds the title of ‘Pope’ – to succeed Shenouda III, who died in March of this year. -
Anba Tawadros, a Pope for the Muslim Brotherhood
Interview with H.E. Monsignor William Samaan Kyrillos, Patriarchal Administrator of the Catholic Copts, by Maria Laura Conte and Meriem Senous -
Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church calls for Crimea's return to Kyiv
A Church spokesman spoke out to this effect days after Onufry's enthronement as the new metropolitan. Meanwhile the Russian patriarch continues his silence on Russia's takeover of the Crimea, but is loud in his attacks against the '"aggressiveness" of the Uniate Church. -
Pope Tawadros II speaks on role of Coptic Church in Egyptian society during his visit to WCC offices
Pope Tawadros II, patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt visited the World Council of Churches (WCC) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday 1 September. In the presence of representatives from ecumenical and international organizations,... -
Delegation from Latin Patriarchate says Gaza resembles bombed cities of World War II
Bishop William Shomali, patriarchal Vicar of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem of the Latins, gave his impression of his brief Sept. 1 visit to Gaza, saying: “We saw things which can only be compared with the situation of cities raised to the ground during the ... -
Chinese government winks at the Orthodox Church
Kirill’s visit to Beijing comes after Xi Jinping chose Moscow as his first foreign destination after his enthronement. The aim of the visit was to strengthen Sino-Russian relations, to counterbalance the gradual cooling of relations between the two countries and the US. -
Patriarch Bartholomew: Christian martyrdom makes unity urgent
Calling Pope Francis his “beloved brother in Christ,” the head of the Orthodox Church, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I on Sunday recalled their gathering last May at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem on the fiftieth anniversary ... -
Coptic Christian Beliefs and Practices
Members of the Coptic Christian Church believe both God and man play roles in salvation, God through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ and humans through works of merit, such as fasting, almsgiving, and receiving the sacraments. -
Archbishop explains intricate path to Catholic and Orthodox dialogue in Serbia
In Serbia ethnic strains that erupted in the dismembering of Yugoslavia, embroiling it in civil war still simmer. Sectarian differences remain but inter-religious personal relations are good, says a senior Catholic bishop. -
Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas around the world
Millions of Orthodox Christians across the world are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ on the night of January 6th, in accordance with the Julian calendar. -
Pope Francis to receive Syrian Orthodox Patriarch
From June 17-20, Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, will be in Rome to meet with Pope Francis. Aphrem II was elected the 123rd Syrian Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch... -
Telegram for the death of the Patriarch of Cilicia of the Armenians
The Holy Father has sent a telegram of condolences to the Patriarchal Synod of the Patriarchate of Cilicia of the Armenians, Beirut, for the sudden death of the Patriarch, His Beatitude Nerses Bedros XIX Tarmouni, at the age of 75 -
Bishop of Aleppo: Concern over fate of two Syrian archbishops kidnapped one month ago
It’s exactly one month since two Syrian Orthodox archbishops were kidnapped near the city of Aleppo. The Greek Orthodox archbishop of Aleppo Yohanna Ibrahim and his Syriac Orthodox counterpart Boulos Yazaji were seized by ... -
Ecumenical Patriarch reaffirms power of faith for social justice
Faith can be a powerful ally in addressing issues of social justice, said Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. He called faith a bearer of unique perspectives on eradicating poverty,... -
Indian Orthodox Vicar turns green conscious for Christmas, gifts saplings for senior citizens
An Indian Orthodox parish priest from Bengaluru Diocese is committed to spread the message of green conscious and become an ecology goodwill ambassador. The young celibate Vicar has distributed over 200 Christmas saplings to the senior citizens in his parish. -
Patriarch Twal: Jesus tells us 'Peace is possible'
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Fouad Twal, celebrated Christmas Midnight Mass in Bethlehem, at the Basilica of the Nativity. In his homily, Patriarch Twal recalled the many crises and conflicts ... -
Antiochian patriarchs make an appeal to 'preserve democratic values'
The five patriarchs, Catholics and Orthodox, call on political leaders to put aside personal interests and give Lebanon a new president. They also decided to set up "a joint commission that would boost cooperation among Antiochian Churches ... -
Moscow Patriarchate: Metropolitan Vladimir, primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has died
He was the leader of the Ukrainian Orthodox church, obedient to Moscow since 1992. Ill with cancer he was replaced in February by Metropolitan Onufry, who now faces the great challenge posed to the Church by the Maidan protests. The risks of a split from the Moscow Patriarchate. -
Lebanon: Orthodox priest says Pope's visit is a blessing...
Father Paul Wehbe, a Greek Orthodox priest from Beirut shares with us his impressions of Pope Benedict XVI's three day visit to his nation. -
Japan: Moscow patriarch wraps up visit
Patriarch Kirill’s visit was to mark the 100th anniversary of the death of Orthodox Archbishop Nicholas of Japan, who laid the foundation for the Orthodox Church’s arrival in Japan. Patriarch Kirill met with the emperor on Tuesday, before returning to Moscow. Japan is home to about 10,000 Orthodox Christians.