The DPUC at the presentation of the Focolare's “Comunion Report 2022” in Rome
On 20 February, the Focolare Movement’s “Communion Report 2022” was published in Rome in the presence of Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán, President and Co-President of the Focolare Movement.
For the first time, the report has Dialogue as its central axis, indicating the human resources, method and purpose of the Focolare's characteristic "spirituality of unity". The text, entitled "In Dialogue", sets out the main initiatives carried out by the Focolare Movement throughout the world concerning dialogue with other Catholic Ecclesial Movements and New Communities; other Christian Communions; the faithful of other religions; people without a religious affiliation and exponents of contemporary culture.
Msgr Juan Usma Gómez, head of the Western Section of the DPUC, commented on the Report 2022 from an ecumenical point of view. Also present were Bishop Athenagoras Fasiolo (Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy), Prof. Stefano Zamagni (University of Bologna), Dr. Giuseppe Notarstefano (President of Azione Cattolica Italiana), Dr. Rita Moussallem (Director of the Centre for Interreligious Dialogue of the Focolare Movement) and Dr. Giancarlo Crisanti (Administrator of the Focolare Movement).