Ecumenical Review gauges the movement’s direction

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The July 2013 instalment of the quarterly journal TheEcumenical Review (ER, volume 65:2) contemplates the future, and particularly the future of the World Council of Churches (WCC) beyond its 10th Assembly. The assembly is to take place from 30 October to 8 November at Busan, Republic of Korea.

Among the topics covered in the July issue are Christian unity, just peace, “ecumenical space” and “navigating the waters,” theological education and ecumenical formation, as well as the direction of the WCC when perceived from particular contexts.

The publication also features a tribute to Rev. Dr Emilio Castro (1927-2013), who served as the fourth WCC general secretary.

Authors in the July issue of The Ecumenical Review include current WCC general secretary Olav Fykse Tveit, Bishop Duleep Kamil De Chickera, Magali do Nascimento Cunha, Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, Wonsuk Ma, Philippe Denis, Hans Engdahl, Anders Göranzon, Beril Huliselan and Nikos Kosmidis.

Source: (Jul 18, 2013)