Prayer Cycle: Week 1 - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories

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Prayer Cycle: Week 1 - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories


Prayer Cycle: 30 December -  5 January 2013



Give thanks for:

  • The Middle East Council of Churches and its efforts towards Christian unity and justice.
  • The efforts of the various churches in Syria to work together to find a common witness, particularly their engagement in finding a common date for Easter for all Christians.
  • The endless source of inspiration that pilgrims of Islam, Christianity and Judaism find in the sacred places in the land called holy.
  • Peace-makers.
  • Rebuilders of Lebanon after the destructive war.
  • Olive trees that have survived many generations and still produce fruit.
  • People replanting olive trees.
  • The Nile and its life-giving water.
  • The pyramids, hieroglyphic writing and other wonders of ancient Egyptian civilization.
  • The ancient churches in these countries which have faithfully transmitted the Gospel from generation to generation, even when severely threatened or persecuted.
  • Monks and nuns who give themselves to a life of prayer and service.


Pray for:

  • Peace in the region, especially between Palestinians and Israelis.
  • Respect for human rights and an end to unjust imprisonment and extra- judicial killing.
  • Solutions for refugees, who still yearn to return home.
  • Efforts to confront corruption.
  • The hungry and homeless.
  • Those whose homes are in the slums, the cemeteries, the garbage dumps, the refugee camps.
  • Those who insist on violent solutions and who see force as the primary means of solving conflicts, that they might find more humanitarian methods.
  • The democratically elected officials of each state.

Prayer Cycle: Week 1 - Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories 



Spirit of the Living God, come afresh on your Holy Land. 
Help your people to restore broken relationships. 
Give them patience to break down barriers of suspicion and mistrust; 
ability to discern personal prejudice and the courage to overcome fear. 
Teach them to respect each other’s integrity and rights 
so that your kingdom may be established on earth. 
For Jesus’ sake.

