Tin mới

  • Socialist Francois Hollande wins French presidency

    Socialist Francois Hollande wins French presidency

    Mr Hollande - who polled just under 52% of votes in Sunday's run-off - spoke of his pride at becoming president. Admitting defeat, centre-right incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy wished "good luck" to Mr Hollande.

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  • God, His Manifestations And Man (1)

    God, His Manifestations And Man (1)

    Nothing short of His all-encompassing grace, His all-pervading mercy, could have possibly achieved it. How could it, otherwise, have been possible for sheer nothingness to have acquired by itself the worthiness and capacity to emerge from its state of non-existence into the realm of being?

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  • ``I am the true vine``: 5th Sunday`s Gospel of Easter by pictures

    "I am the true vine": 5th Sunday's Gospel of Easter by pictures

    Jesus said to his disciples: "I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit..."

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  • The Beauty of Mathematics and the Love of God

    The Beauty of Mathematics and the Love of God

    Here is an interesting and lovely way to look at the beauty of mathematics, and of God, the sum of all wonders.

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  • Vedanta and Buddhism - A Comparative Study

    Vedanta and Buddhism - A Comparative Study

    The present treatise by Prof. Dr. H.V. Glasenapp has been selected for reprint particularly in view of the excellent elucidation of the Anatta Doctrine which it contains...The present selection from that original is based on the abridged translations published in "The Buddhist," Vol.XXI, No. 12 (Colombo 1951).

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  • ``I give you my peace``: Tuesday 5th of Easter

    "I give you my peace": Tuesday 5th of Easter

    "In the Cross of Christ (...), human suffering has been redeemed" (John Paul II). Jesus Christ quietly suffered to please the Heavenly Father with an act of costly obedience, through which He willingly offered Himself for our salvation.

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  • Message on the occasion of the Eighteenth Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (April 27 - May 1, 2012)

    Message on the occasion of the Eighteenth Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (April 27 - May 1, 2012)

    At the heart of the Church’s social doctrine is the anthropology which recognizes in the human creature the image of the Creator, endowed with intelligence and freedom, capable of knowing and loving. Peace and justice are fruits of the right order that is inscribed within creation itself, written on human hearts (cf. Rom 2:15) and therefore accessible to all people of good will, all “pilgrims of truth and of peace”.

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  • On the Tatami of Zen-Christian Monastic Fraternity

    On the Tatami of Zen-Christian Monastic Fraternity

    Ichigo, ichie, “Every moment, an occasion”. This is the first spiritual insight that touched my mind and my heart even before setting foot on Japanese soil. I met it for the first time written in the tourist guide that I read during the plane trip to Japan.

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  • Églises et mosquées, clochers et minarets

    Églises et mosquées, clochers et minarets

    Il est certain que cathédrales, basiliques et églises s’inscrivent dans le paysage architectural des villes et des villages d’Europe depuis des siècles, y manifestant ainsi l’importance du patrimoine chrétien pour celle-ci. Les mosquées médiévales ou maghrébines à nombreuses nefs collatérales, prolongeant parfois une vaste cour dont les côtés abritent un cloître continu, s’inscrivent volontiers dans le monde arabe...

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  • ``Live in me as I live in you``: Wednesday 5th of Easter

    "Live in me as I live in you": Wednesday 5th of Easter

    Today, once more, we may see Jesus surrounded by the Apostles in an atmosphere of especial intimacy. He is giving them what we could consider as his final recommendations: what is normally said in the last moment, in the last farewell; that which has an especial force, as if it would be the last will.

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  • Kirkouk rêve de paix entre les religions

    Kirkouk rêve de paix entre les religions

    Une délégation libanaise, emmenée par le moine libanais Maroun Atallah dans le cadre de son programme «Reconstruire ensemble », est venue passer la Semaine sainte (2012) à Kirkouk.

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  • Should we ‘celebrate’ Vesak?

    Should we ‘celebrate’ Vesak?

    Buddhism is the most environment-friendly religion on Earth, and Vesak is the most important day for the Buddhists. How should we spend this day? Every year this topic is discussed, written about over and over again, and after Vesak till the next year, we forget about it. This article is an attempt to look at all the issues once more, but from a different angle.

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  • ``As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you`` - Thursday 5th of Easter

    "As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you" - Thursday 5th of Easter

    The Father loves the Son, and Jesus tells us so: "And He that sent me is with me: the Father has not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him" (Jn 8:29).

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  • ``...love one another as I have loved you`` - Friday 5th of Easter

    "...love one another as I have loved you" - Friday 5th of Easter

    ...Jesus speaks to you as a friend, for He has told you that his Father calls you, that He wants you to become an apostle, and that He expects you to bear fruit, a fruit that is manifested through love...

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  • ``All this they will do to you for the sake of my name...`` - Saturday 5th of Easter

    "All this they will do to you for the sake of my name..." - Saturday 5th of Easter

    ...Christ's criterion is the unique, definitive and unavoidable one for us to follow. It is not up to Jesus to adapt himself to the world where we live; it is up to us instead to transform our lives after Jesus. "Christ is the same one whether yesterday, today or always"...

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  • ``I have called you friends`` - Sunday 6th (B) of Easter

    "I have called you friends" - Sunday 6th (B) of Easter

    God always keeps the initiative. He expressly says so when He affirms "it was I who chose you" (Jn 15:16). We may feel tempted to think it is us who have chosen him, but we have done nothing but answering his call. He has freely chosen us to be his friends: "I shall not call you servants (…). Instead I have called you friends" (Jn 15:15).

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  • ``I will send you the Spirit of truth...`` - Monday 6th of Easter

    "I will send you the Spirit of truth..." - Monday 6th of Easter

    The Holy Spirit is our battle partner who fights by our side. The Holy Spirit gives us the necessary strength. The Holy Spirit is the Protector, who delivers us from all danger. With The Holy Spirit by our side we should not be afraid of anything.

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  • ``It is better for you that I go away`` - Tuesday 6th of Easter

    "It is better for you that I go away" - Tuesday 6th of Easter

    How can he go, yet still remain? This mystery was explained by our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI: "Given that God embraces and sustains the whole cosmos, the Lord's Ascension means that Christ has not gone far away from us, but now, thanks to the fact that He is with the Father, He is close to each one of us forever".

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  • Poverty and injustice favour slavery

    Poverty and injustice favour slavery

    The figures are frightening. Despite the struggles, war and more than a century of international law, enriched by dozens of agreements and declarations on a world level, every type of slavery and human trafficking have been banned. Still today there are thousands and thousands of victims of this dramatic phenomenon...

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  • Year of the Faith: Dare more for the proclamation of the Gospel and expand missionary cooperation

    Year of the Faith: Dare more for the proclamation of the Gospel and expand missionary cooperation

    "Evangelization is an activity that lies in the heart of the Church. It is not the work of solitary navigators, on the contrary it accompanies and is associated to the path of God's people Consequently, we must identify and take part in the ecclesiastical events which this year have a particular relevance and significance; I am referring to the Year of Faith, the Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization and the 50th anniversary ..."

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  • Hinduism in Buddhist perspective

    Hinduism in Buddhist perspective

    The habit of many students of religion in the West of lumping all "Eastern Religions" (by which term is often meant only Hinduism and Buddhism) into one category, for the purpose of comparison with the Judeo-Christianity of the West, has tended to perpetuate this confusion. It forgets that unlike Hinduism, which in a sense has been an ethnic religion, Buddhism was a universal doctrine ...

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  • About Anglican Church

    About Anglican Church

    There are many churches around the world that have the word Anglican in their name, and virtually all of them are indeed Christian churches in the Anglican tradition. In some sense these are all Anglican churches, and most of them are part of the Anglican Church.

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  • First communion and confirmation candidates from Jerusalem renew baptism promises at Jordan River

    First communion and confirmation candidates from Jerusalem renew baptism promises at Jordan River

    Over 130 young boys and girls took part in a trip to the banks of the Jordan River and the city of Jericho organized by the Latin Parish in Jerusalem. It aimed to prepare them to receive First Communion and Confirmation.

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  • Qu’est ce que la culture? (2)

    Qu’est ce que la culture? (2)

    Quoique le terme Culture soit d’un usage très courant, il est cependant difficile de lui donner une définition adéquate. Au reste, chacun a sa façon de concevoir la Culture. C’est pourquoi, le mot Culture devient protéiforme. D’aucuns la font relever de la sphère spirituelle; d’autres la font évoluer sur le terrain concret et matériel.

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  • Anglicans and Catholics conclude groundbreaking meeting in Hong Kong

    Anglicans and Catholics conclude groundbreaking meeting in Hong Kong

    The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission, or ARCIC 3, has concluded a week long meeting hosted by the Anglican mission to seafarers in Hong Kong.

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  • HONG KONG: A survey reveals the importance of the formation of faith for an integral growth of the young

    HONG KONG: A survey reveals the importance of the formation of faith for an integral growth of the young

    The formation of the Christian faith is essential for an integral growth of young people today: is the result of a survey conducted by "Hong Kong Family Movement" in collaboration with the Group of Family Service of Caritas Hong Kong, conducted from November 2011 to March 2012...

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  • Mother`s Day History

    Mother's Day History

    In 1905 when Anna Jarvis died, her daughter, also named Anna, began a campaign to memorialize the life work of her mother. Legend has it that young Anna remembered a Sunday school lesson that her mother gave in which she said, "I hope and pray that someone, sometime, will found a memorial mother's day. There are many days for men, but none for mothers."

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  • Super Mom

    Super Mom

    You're the master of every task. You're a dependable source of comfort; You're my cushion when I fall.

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  • Veneration of the Virgin Mary (1)

    Veneration of the Virgin Mary (1)

    THE VENERATION OF THE MOTHER OF THE LORD is of the same order as the veneration of all the saints, and shares with it a common foundation; excepting only that among the saints, the Most Holy Virgin Mary naturally occupies the first place and stands higher than them all.

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  • Prayers to Virgin Mary

    Prayers to Virgin Mary

    "Mary is the perfect Orans (prayer), a figure of the Church. When we pray to her, we are adhering with her to the plan of the Father, who sends his Son to save all men. Like the beloved disciple we welcome Jesus' mother into our homes, for she has become the mother of all the living. We can pray with and to her. The prayer of the Church is sustained by the prayer of Mary and united with it in hope." (Catechism, 2679)

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